Friday, April 11, 2014


Pumpkinhead (1988)

Director: Stan Winston
Writer: Ed Justin (Poem), Stan Winston (Story), Richard Weinman (Story), Mark Patrick Carducci (Story and Screenplay), Gary Gerani (Screenplay)
Stars: Lance Henriksen, Jeff East, John D'Aquino

The Skinny:
     When Ed Harley's son is accidently killed by a bunch of teenagers, he seek's vengeance. When it comes to vengeance, Ed Harley don't fuck around! With the help of a witch he conjures up Kareem Abdul Jabbar, the demon version, and sets it lose on the unsuspecting teens. Fun times ensue!

Pumpkinhead by Ed Justin

Keep away from Pumpkinhead,
Unless you're tired of living.
His enemies are mostly dead,
He's mean and unforgiving.
Laugh at him and your undone,
But in some dreadful fashion.
Vengeance he considers fun,
And plans it with a passion.
Time will not erase or blot,
A plot that he has brewing.
It's when you think that he's forgot,
He'll conjure your undoing.
Bolted doors and windows barred.
Guard dogs prowling in your yard.
Won't protect you in your bed...

...Nothing will, from Pumpkinhead.

My Two-Cents: 
     Special Effects master, Stan Winston has created many iconic creatures for the big screen. The Alien, The Predator, The Thing, etc. The man is a freaking legend for a reason. 
     In 1988, Winston would give us yet another creature creation, and this time he would direct the film in which it starred. 
     There are few creatures in horror more frightening than this mother fucker right here. Nine feet tall and fast as hell, this be one beastie you do not want to run into on a dark road in the middle of the night. Fuck, I wouldn't want to run into him on a sunny road in the middle of the day!
      The above poem by Ed Justin was the inspiration for the movie. Tell me that shit ain't creepy!
     When this film was released it was panned by the critics, who found it to be just another "Teen Slasher" flick. I don't know what the hell they were watching, but this film is anything but "Just another teen slasher". 
     To be fair, there are elements in the film that are typical of horror films of that era. The stereotypical teens who are hunted and killed off in gruesome fashions. But there is much more going on beyond that. There is a moral to this tale. Infact, this bitch plays out like a dark fable on the dangers of revenge. Pumpkinhead is vengeance manifested into physical form. He doesn't have his own agenda, he's only doing what Ed Harley called him to do: get revenge. Ol' Ed, though, quickly learns an often overlooked truth about vengeance: Once it's let loose, you can't take it back. As the witch tell's him "What's done is done." This is the meat and potatoes of the film, and what set's it aside from other genre entries of the time.
     The other thing that makes this classic stand out is the special effects. Like I said, Pumpkinhead is one scary bastard! Winston and his crew not only create a frightening ass character, but they successfully bring it to life. Even by today's standards, the creature effects are impressive and it's all practical effects, no CG fucking I! Booyah! 
     Winston keeps the creature shrouded by mist and darkness for most of the film, giving us quick glimpses of the nightmarish fucker in action. It works. Especially when you consider the spooky, surreal atmosphere Winston creates. There is an almost dreamy quality about it. It makes the situation that much more disturbing. 
     Now this bitch does have it's flaws. The acting for one. 
     With the exception of Lance Henriksen and a couple others, the acting was fucking awful. The teens were so one dimensional and stereotypical, that it frequently annoyed the shit out of me. Their dialogue didn't help matters, which often goes beyond cheesey. I know this isn't all the actors fault, they can only work with what they got, but it's clear this bunch are far from being thespians.
     Henriksen, on the other hand, turns in a great performance. The scenes with his son in the beginning are very touching, and he does an awesome job showing us the grief and rage he feels later. He never overplays it, and keeps Ed Harley grounded. 
     Brian Bremer does a decent job as "Bunt", though he's not around much till the end. 
     Florence Schauffler makes for one creepy ass witch thanks to the make-up job Winston's team did on her. Make-up aside though, Flo did a great job with her role and manages to stand out despite her limited screen time.
     I've heard people diss the score, but I thought it was effective. Yeah, it's...dated....but I mean come on people, it's a flick that was made in the fucking 80's for the love of Moe, Larry, and Curly! What do you expect? Let it go, it could be worse (Ever hear the score for the original "Prom Night"?)
     If you're looking for catsup, your gonna be somewhat disappointed. Yes, there is blood, but nothing to get your panties wet over. Much of the killing is done off screen and left to our imaginations. We are usually treated to the aftermath, which as I said isn't bad, but it ain't gonna satisfy your run of the mill gorehound. I gotta keep it real though, Winston made the right choice by not soaking this one in the red stuff. This is just not that type of film. The visuals and tone throughout help us paint gruesome pictures in our mind that far exceed anything hollywood could ever put on film.
     Alas, mine pervs! There is no all. No really. None. Zip. Nada. As I also said about gore, it didn't need it. Again, not that type of flick. Yeah I said it, wanna fight?
     Sadly, "Pumpkinhead" is a very underrated flick. Most people see it as a run of the mill 80's creature flick. That's unfortunate, because the film may look that way on the surface, but underneath, this bitch is sporting some heart. It plays less like a horror film at times and more like a folktale. It's a campfire story put on film. One with awesome special effects. I give it four blood soaked butcher knives out of five. Winston took familiar horror elements and did something different. He get's my respect for that.
     Be warned, there are 3 sequels to this film, two of which were produced by the Syfy Channel (That should tell you all you need to know about them.) and they are all fucking horrendous! Do not waste your time. Pretend there never were any sequels (Because there shouldn't have been any.) and just enjoy this one. Trust me on this my little fucknado's, Uncle Ani knows best.
     One other thing, Pumpkinhead is getting a remake. Not sure how I feel about that. The original is great, but far from perfect, so a remake may make it even better. However, Hollywood does not have a good track record when it comes to remakes (NOES anyone?) and Stan Winston passed away in 2008 (RIP dude.) and I'm not sure anyone could do the film justice the way he could. He understood what he had, no one else who has tackled this bitch since, seem's to get it. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Till then, give this one a go, I mean it's a fucking classic! Nuff said! 
     Now remember, Hillbillies can do more then just rape you, they can get Pumpkinhead after your ass!

                                       I was something before electricity, Ed Harley.

                                      Hi, I'm here to audition for the role of Big Bird.

                                                      Man, this shit is good!!!

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