Thursday, May 1, 2014

Wolf Creek 2

Wolf Creek 2 (2014)

Director: Greg McLean
Writer: Greg McLean, Aaron Sterns
Stars: John Jarratt, Ryan Corr, Shannon Ashlyn

My Two-Cents:
     I loved the first "Wolf Creek" (2005)! That shiz was dark, disturbing, and unflinching. Add the fact that it was supposed to be based on a true story, and you had a flick that guaranteed my ass wouldn't be visiting the Outback any time soon.
     When I heard there was going to be a sequel, I was happy as a dingo with a baby. Of course I worried that like so many other sequels, it wouldn't live up to it's predecessor. I mean it did have big shoes to fill.
      Well have no fear sicko's, this fucker delivers!
     Seems ol Mick is still up to his old tricks, which is fucking with tourist...and then brutally murdering them. He comes across a young German couple and fucks up their vacation in a major way. When the German girl seeks help from a British gent who wanders by, the would be hero finds himself in Mick's cross hairs, and we all know by now, that ain't a good place to be!

     The acting here is solid. I have no complaints. Ryan Corr does his thing as the unfortunate Brit in the wrong place at the wrong time and really sells it. Shannon Ashlyn does a great job with her brief role as the German lass run a fowl of Big Mick. The girl can act, in German and English! I was kinda upset she didn't get more screen time.
     Without a doubt though, the star here is John Jarratt, who is clearly having a ball playing Aussie psychopath, Mick Taylor. Mick is fleshed out more here than he was in the first go round, and John makes the best of each moment, rattling off funny ass quips and one liners. Dude has charisma! I mean, for a character that is a sick, twisted, murderous, sociopath, he sure is fucking likable! Fucker had me giggling throughout.

     Then there's the catsup. Hey gorehounds! Are you in for one mutha fucking treat! This badboy does not shy away from the catsup in the least, which is mostly done with practical effects. We get beheadings, dismemberments, stabbings galore, nasty gunshot wounds, and my personal fav...exploding kangaroo's!!! Yup, Ol Mick is quite busy in this one.

     Sorry my pervs, no nudity. Personally, doesn't matter. With or without skin, this flick is still solid. Of course a boobie or two wouldn't hurt. Boobies make everything better!

     The score did it's job, creating tension in all the right spots, but it's the songs played in various scenes that really spruce up this shindig! I fucking love the musical selection for this flick! I mean, really, what's better than hearing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" during a high speed chase involving exploding Kangaroo's? Nothing I tell ya!!!

     On a whole, "Wolf Creek 2" really delivered. It amped shit up from the first flick and gave us a closer look at the mind of Mick. (Dude is one cold blooded Honky!) Plus, it kept us guessing as to what was going to happen next. The seeming randomness of all the shit that was happening made everything seem all the more fucked up! Somehow, McLean was able to string it all together in a superb and coherent story. I also liked how McLean wasn't afraid to do things a little different, like having the couple speak German most of the time.
     My only complaint with this flick is that some scene's could have used a bit of a trim as they tended to run a bit long. But it's a minor thing and doesn't really hurt the film.
     In the end, with the state of things in the land of horror lately, it's refreshing to find something that isn't afraid to get down and dirty and give us what we came for: A twisted good time! So if you want to be entertained and have all your horror buttons pushed, you can't go wrong with this one. There's a lot to like here: humor, gore, action. It's a ton of fun and hands down the best horror I've seen so far this year. I give it four blood soaked butcher knives out of five. I wish we could get more flicks like this. Filmmakers take note, this is how you do horror right! Nuff said!
                                        Let's go to Australia you said! It'll be fun you said!!!

                             What did I tell you would happen the next time I caught ya touching yourself?!

                             The real Mick Taylor. The guy Wolf Creek is based on, serial killer Ivan Milat.

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